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As your garden grows, so do you! If you'd like us to email you with useful seasonal advice, educational resources, and the latest gardening news in our counties, subscribe below and select the mailings you'd like to receive.  You can unsubscribe or update your preferences anytime, and your information will never be shared.

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Select one or more of our mailings below:

  • This quarterly newsletter offers timely tips for garden tasks you'll want to target this season. We'll also include the latest garden news, upcoming workshops, and help you solve common gardening challenges.

  • If you'd like to receive more frequent reminders about upcoming local UCCE Master Gardener workshops and events, select this mailing.

  • Our two-county UCCE Master Gardener chapter is self-funded and 100% volunteer operated. If you'd like to stay informed of our funding campaigns, select this mailing.

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