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Proper Tree Planting
Half Moon Bay Library
620 Correas Street
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Contact: mgsmsf@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: Master Gardeners of San Mateo & SF Counties

Proper Tree Planting

Description: Young trees, like humans, need a good home in order to grow up into strong, healthy, mature trees. Learn how to plant a young fruit or ornamental tree the right way and give it what it needs in the first few years of life to become the tree of your dreams.

UC Master Gardener Presenter Barbara Williams-Sheng: Prior to joining the Santa Clara County Master Gardener program in 2007, Barbara had careers in mental health, physical disabilities, and owned a bookstore. In 2021, she moved over the hill to San Mateo County and into a whole new world of coastal gardening. Besides a love of growing tomatoes, fruit, and salvias, she has a passion for pottery, photography, and drawing.

Registration is Recommended: Please click here.