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Salubrious Soils Leads to Radiant Roses
San Mateo Garden Center
605 Parkside Way
San Mateo, CA 94403
Contact: mgsmsf@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: Master Gardeners of San Mateo & SF Counties

Salubrious Soils Leads to Radiant Roses

Description: Unlock the secrets to thriving rose gardens. Dive into the fascinating world of soil health and learn how to cultivate and maintain a robust soil ecosystem that fosters a vibrant soil food web. This will result in the perfect environment for your rose bushes to flourish and bloom spectacularly.

UC Master Gardener Presenter Nick Landolfi: Nick is a Research Immunologist and lifelong gardener who became a Master Gardener upon his retirement from the biotechnology industry. He is a Soil Specialist, regularly staffs the Master Gardener Helpline, and has coordinated the training of New Master Gardeners for San Mateo and San Francisco Counties. He frequently lectures on Soil Science and Best Gardening Practices, and enjoys maintaining his vegetable beds and fruit trees, as well as caring for a Japanese garden with a koi pond.

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