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Caring for Soil in Raised Beds: Season to Season
Boys and Girls Club
1109 Hilton Street
Redwood City, CA 94063
Contact: mgsmsf@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: Master Gardeners of San Mateo & SF Counties

Caring for Soil in Raised Beds: Season to Season

Description: At this workshop you will learn about raised bed soil care after the summer growing season in preparation for the winter and spring seasons. 

UC Master Gardener Presenter Nick Landolfi: Nick is a Research Immunologist and lifelong gardener who became a Master Gardener upon his retirement from the biotechnology industry. He is a Soil Specialist, staffs the Master Gardener Helpline, and is a volunteer gardener at the Fair Oaks Adult Activity Center in Redwood City. He frequently lectures on Soil Science and Best Gardening Practices, and enjoys maintaining his vegetable beds, herb gardens, grape vines and fruit trees, as well as caring for a Japanese garden with a koi pond.

Registration is required. Please click here. This class is limited to 35 attendees.