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Improving Your Soil with Cover Crops
San Mateo Library
55 W. 3rd Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94402
Contact: mgsmsf@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: Master Gardeners of San Mateo & SF Counties

Improving Your Soil with Cover Crops

Description: Learn about the benefits that cover crops can provide to restore your soil after the summer veggie season winds down. We will discuss types of plants, timing, and soil preparation. Free cover crop seeds available after the program.

UC Master Gardener Presenters

  • Carolyn Dorsch: Carolyn has always had a deep admiration and affinity for all plants, marveling at their incredible ability to survive and thrive in a myriad of conditions. She enjoys seeing plants in their natural habitat, in all seasons, and applies her knowledge of how California natives grow in the wild in order to cultivate them in the garden. An avid vegetable gardener, Carolyn plants a garden every year and enjoys learning new techniques and trying out new varieties. Additionally, she is a Master Composter and a beginner beekeeper.
  • Naomi Mier: Naomi is both a UC Master Gardener (2020) and a Master Composter (2020). She enjoys all aspects of vegetable gardening: seed saving, seed starting, growing, harvesting, preserving and sharing. She gardens in raised beds, containers and in-ground. Naomi is responsible for the pepper and eggplant varieties for the Spring Garden Market.

Registration is Required. Please click here.